ARMIES TITLE "I Didn't Expect the Spanish Inquisition" CRITERIA 2 T 400 E 0 shareware_map 0 0 22 25 RESTOCK RETREAT BRIEFING Mission #4 -- "I Didn't Expect the Spanish Inquisition" The final obstacle to the liberation of Visirith is the few remaining government troops. While the rebel armies worked to secure the peninsula, bands of citizens have emerged to extract revenge on the troops who have brutalized them. They are untrained but determined, and need careful guidance. You had wanted to take the enemy troops prisoner and use them for bargaining, but were unable to convince the people to let you take that course of action. You have no choice but to let them exterminate the troops, so your mission is to guide their attack in a way that will minimize the losses of the citizens. You have scattered your troops among the bands so that they can lead the untrained citizens in combat. Close to five hundred people have taken up arms in this spontaneous display of revenge and hatred. If more than 100 of them die, morale will drop to dangerous levels and support for the rebellion will collapse. DEBRIEFING Visirith has been freed! A wave of anti-government sentiment has boosted support for the rebellion as you have demonstrated that it is possible to win back freedom for the people. This was the final mission in the Beta Test version of Overthrow, and corresponds to the Shareware levels. The registered version of the game will contain the complete civil war as your country fights for its freedom. ARMIES TITLE "...To Turn Those Plowshares Into Swords" CRITERIA 5 T 300 Q 400 L 0x00100018 L 0x001A000D L 0x001A0007 shareware_train_map 0 0 30 25 RESTOCK RETREAT BRIEFING Mission #2 -- "...To Turn Those Plowshares Into Swords" As a result of their disheartening defeat, the remaining government forces have abandonded their patrol routes and banded together for protection while they await reinforcements. You must also prepare for the arrival of more enemy troops, or your little rebellion will be quashed before it has really even begun. To prepare for the impending invasion, you must scour the land for volunteers to strengthen your forces, and then train them for combat. You will need at least 300 troops, and the average quality of your soldiers should be at least 40%. A temporary training camp has been set up in the southern part of the peninsula, nestled between the mountains and the river. Take the troops there for thier training. After your troops are ready, they need to be moved into position. Divide your forces into three units, and place one at the widening of the mountain pass; one at the clear spot by the river in the mountain gorge; and one at the beach landing site directly north of the mountains in the northeast corner of the peninsula. This should cover all of the possible invasion points. DEBRIEFING You have successfully made the necessary preparations to guard against the government troops advancing on Visirith. You have received word that the enemy forces have been mobilized and are nearing the mountains that isolate Visirith from the rest of the country. The people are looking to you as their last, best hope for freedom. Will you be able to justify their faith? ARMIES TITLE The Time Has Come... CRITERIA 2 T 200 E 100 shareware_map 0 0 30 25 RESTOCK RETREAT BRIEFING Mission #1 -- "The Time Has Come..." The tryannical government has long since overstepped its bounds, and the people are ready to do something about it. Secretly over the past year, a small group of revolutionaries have been planning and training for the inevitable civil war. It was hoped that the rightful government of the people could be restored by peaceful means, but Samuel Filbourg and his military leaders have blocked these attempts at every turn, working to further entrench themselves in power. There is now no longer any hope for peaceful settlement, and violent conflict is now they only possible course of action. This will be the first strike. The location of this battle will be Visirith, a small peninsula that is virtually isolated by water and mountains. The people who live there are strong and rugged, and used to taking care of themselves. The presence of the "peacekeeping" military forces has made them bitter and angry. They will welcome whatever action is necessary to remove the constant intrusion of the government forces from their lives. Small bands of government "thugs" (as the locals call them) patrol the countryside to police the citizens. Each has an assigned patrol area, and tend to work independently. They are not crack soldiers, but are better trained than your band of volunteers. Your mission is to attack these patrols and reduce the number of government troops in the area by at least half. Your attacks will draw a quick response from the military, so be sure that you have at least 200 troops left to meet the anticipated reinforcements. [Hit ESCape to clear this window and start the mission] DEBRIEFING Congratulations! Word of your attacks have spread quickly across the country. People have rallied in support of the revolution, and the battle for freedom has begun. ARMIES TITLE "The British Are Coming!" CRITERIA 2 T 150 E 0 shareware_map 2 0 28 25 RESTOCK RETREAT BRIEFING Mission #3 -- "The British Are Coming!" The government forces have arrived. Repel their attempts to move into the peninsula. These troops know what they are up against, and will not hesitate to kill every last rebel troop they can find. Now your volunteers will see that the government really means business, and that they must mean business as well. You will have to eradicate the invading troops, or they will see the rebellion ended. Do not forget about the troops waiting for the reinforcements. You will need a contingent of at least 150 troops left over to deal with them. DEBRIEFING Another blow for freedom has been struck! Visirith has only one more barrier to scale before their freedom is assured and the rest of the country sees that it is possible to win freedom for all citizens.